About Georgie's Penny Jar:

Georgie's Penny Jar is an effort to collect pennies (though other money is welcome!) to help end hunger in our country. Georgie is a 4 year old girl who upon hearing the alarming statistics on the number of children and adults in our country who do not have enough to eat decided she wanted to help.
I am her mom and will be helping her raise money for her cause. Our chosen organization to receive the donated money is Feeding America (http://feedingamerica.org/) though we welcome suggestions of other groups and are looking into local charities as well.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

WAY over due post

It probably was not the best idea to start this effort just before Christmas and a Dec. 29th move. Add a mother who is admittedly a horrible blogger and poor Georgie's Penny Jar could have easily fizzled away. But Georgie continued to collect pennies all year. Every time she found a Penny on the ground it went it the jar. If she was given money to buy a little treat the change went in the jar. Her parents slacked on the effort no doubt. Then the other day I noticed that her jar had found the need for two overflow containers. Off to the bank with her Dad and she proudly came back to report $146.68 to help the kids who need food. That is enough to give a hungry child 3 meals a day for 389 days!
Georgie's commitment has inspired me and I will make it a point to be much better about updates. I will get our current total from our charity and post it. And if you could all just save the pennies in your pocket and do as much as my thoughtful 5 year old girl it can make an enormous difference.

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